Connect while you cruise
We have packages on over 175 cruise ships . This gives you plenty of places to post photos, text, and stay connected while cruising.
Compatible device with domestic postpaid wireless service required. Restrictions apply.
Choose from two options for cruise connectivity
***Standard domestic messaging rates apply to text, picture, and video messages received.
AT&T Cruise packages (brochure terms):
Eligibility: Compatible device with eligible domestic postpaid wireless service required. Charges: One-time charge of $60 per line for Cruise Basic package or $100 per line for Cruise Plus package. Package is valid for 30 days beginning on the chosen effective date, may cross 2 bill cycles, and expires automatically. Package charge will not be prorated if canceled on or after the effective date. If package is canceled prior to the effective date, the line will not be charged. Coverage: Package applies to cellular use onboard select cruise ships listed at att.com/cruise when sailing in international waters. When the device is connected to the ship's cellular network, "cellularatsea", "wmsatsea", "901-18" or "NOR-18" displays on the device. The ship turns off its cellular network when it is within 12 nautical miles from land and docked or tendered in port, at which point cellular service is provided via the nearest country. Countries: Add AT&T International Day Pass to your eligible domestic wireless plan to cover your usage when on land or in port. Go to att.com/intldaypass for details. Business and government customers: Add an available international roaming package to your domestic wireless plan to cover usage when on land or in port. Go to att.com/internationalforbiz to review options. Data: Includes 100MB of data for Cruise Basic package (smartphones only) or 1GB of data for Cruise Plus package (smartphones and tablets only). Actual data speeds vary by device and ship. Data use is subject to the same network management practices as your domestic wireless plan. See att.com/broadbandinfo for details. Data overage: If you exceed the amount of data in your Cruise package, additional data will automatically be provided in increments of 100MB for $10 each. Once you have incurred $100 in data overage charges or, for business and government customers, $300 in data overage charges, data use is subject to suspension, including data use on land, even if you have a separate international package for data usage on land. Upon suspension, AT&T will provide notice and instructions for restoring data use capability. Talk: For phones only. Applies to all cellular calls dialed and accepted. Cruise Basic package includes 100 minutes of calling. If you use all your Cruise Basic package calling minutes, additional cellular calls will be charged $1/minute. Cruise Plus package includes unlimited talk. Wi-Fi Calling: With Wi-Fi Calling enabled on eligible devices, you can call back to the U.S. at no additional charge. Unlimited Text: For phones only. Applies only to AT&T Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and not to other messaging services or applications that use data, such as iMessage. Messages received will be billed at your domestic messaging rates, unless you have a domestic plan that includes unlimited text. Pay-per-use rates: Apply when package expires, when traveling on ships not included in your package or countries not included in any international travel package added to your line, and/or when you have not added any package to the line. Go to att.com/ppurates to review rates. General: Subject to Consumer Service Agreement at att.com/csa or, for business and government customers, the applicable wireless service agreement. Availability, quality of coverage, and services while roaming are not guaranteed. Additional restrictions may apply.
Pay-per-use rates
These rates apply on non-participating cruise ships, when you don’t have a package, or if your plan expires.
*Standard domestic messaging rates apply to text, picture, and video messages received.
**Usage is calculated in full kilobyte increments ($0.002/KB) and rounded up to the next full-kilobyte increment.
Travel info

Travel tips for your AT&T Cruise package
- Disable any apps running in the background.
- Disable email auto-check.
- Turn off cellular data.
Your device will display Cellular at Sea, 901-18, or NOR-18 when roaming on the ship’s network. When roaming on a land-based carrier, it will display the land carrier's network information. Cruise ships are required to turn off their wireless networks when they are 9 - 12 nautical miles from land and while in port.

AT&T Cruise Packages FAQ
Can I use AT&T Cruise packages with AT&T International Day Pass for Business?
Yes, AT&T Cruise packages and AT&T International Day Pass for Business (or AT&T Business Passport) can be used together. AT&T Cruise packages provide for your talk, text & data usage only while At Sea on qualifying ships. “At Sea” is when the ship is at least 6 nautical miles from land. We recommend adding AT&T International Day Pass for Business or, for longer trips, AT&T Business Passport, to your line to cover usage while in port or on land. For more information on International Day Pass for Business and AT&T Business Passport, visit att.com/internationalforbiz.
Are AT&T Cruise packages available on all cruise ships?
No. AT&T Cruise Basic and AT&T Cruise Plus packages are for use only on select cruise ships listed at att.com/cruise. We recommend checking the cruise ship list before signing up for one of these packages. If your ship is not on the list of included ships for the Cruise Basic/Cruise Plus packages, it may be included as a qualifying ship for AT&T CruiseSM Day Pass (go to att.com/cruisedpterms for details).
See our cruise ship guide to view all ships for Cruise Basic, Cruise Plus, and Cruise Day Pass packages.
To have your cruise ship usage covered by a Cruise package rather than charged at Pay-Per-Use rates, it’s necessary that you choose the corresponding Cruise package for the ship you are on.
Will one AT&T Cruise package cover all the devices on my account?
No. Cruise packages are added on a per-line basis. If you are traveling with multiple wireless devices that you wish to use during your cruise, each device must have its own Cruise package.
How long are the AT&T Cruise packages effective?
Cruise Basic and Cruise Plus packages are effective for 30 days from when they are added and will expire automatically, so there's no need to remove them from your line of service when you return home. Cruise Basic and Cruise Plus one-time charge package charges are not pro-rated for cruises less than 30 days. If you plan to cruise for more than 30 days, you must add an additional cruise package after the initial package has expired.
Cruise Day Pass is effective on your line until you let us know to remove it. There is no charge to have the Cruise Day Pass on your line, you will only get charged a daily fee when you use the Cruise Day Pass on a qualifying ship. Cruise Day Pass daily fees are separate from International Day Pass for Business daily fees, and you could be charged for both on the same day if you have used your device (1) At Sea onboard a qualifying ship and (2) in port or on land in an IDPB destination within the same 24-hour period.
Will my AT&T Cruise package cover my cellular usage while on shore?
No, Cruise Packages only cover usage while connected to the cellular network while At Sea on qualifying cruise ships.
Add AT&T International Day Pass for Business, AT&T Business Passport or another available package to cover cellular usage while in port or on land.
Pay-Per-Use rates will apply to usage in port or on land if you do not add an international roaming package for such usage.
How can I tell when I am connected to a ship’s cellular network and which ship network I am on?
When you are traveling on a ship that qualifies for the Cruise Basic and Cruise Plus package and you have connected to that ship's cellular network, the display on your device will show Cellular at Sea, wmsatsea, 901-18 or NOR-18. Your usage on that ship will count against the Cruise Basic and Cruise Plus packages or will be charged at Pay-Per-Use rates.
When you are traveling on a ship that qualifies for the Cruise Day Pass package and you have connected to that ship’s cellular network, the display on your device will show Telenor Maritime, 901-12, or NOR-12. Your usage on that ship will count against the Cruise Day Pass package or will be charged at Pay-Per-Use rates.
When connected on a qualifying ship’s cellular network, your usage will always count against your applicable Cruise package or will be charged at Pay-Per-Use rates (if you don’t have a Cruise package).
Cruise ship cellular service becomes available when the ship is at least 6 nautical miles from land (“At Sea”). Cruise ships turn off their wireless networks at around 6 nautical miles to land, and while in port. When the cruise ship network is off, land-based cellular service is provided by the nearest country. Once you are connected to a land-based carrier, your device will display that carrier's cellular network information. If line is provisioned with AT&T International Day Pass for Business (IDPB), such will be charged an IDPB daily fee for this usage (or Pay-Per-Use rates if you don’t have IDPB or other eligible international roaming package).
What if I use my phone without an AT&T Cruise package, or I’m on a cruise ship not covered by my AT&T Cruise package, or my package expires?
Pay-Per-Use rates apply if you don't purchase a cruise package, if your ship is not included in the Cruise package you have on your line, or when your package expires. Place your device in airplane mode to avoid Pay-Per-Use charges.
What happens if I use more data than the AT&T Cruise Basic or Cruise Plus package data allowance?
Cruise Basic and Cruise Plus data overages incurred are billed at $10/100MB. To avoid unexpected cellular data charges, turn off Data Roaming in your device Settings.
Do I need an AT&T Cruise Basic/Cruise Plus package and an AT&T Cruise Day Pass package at the same time?
No, each cruise ship has only one cellular network. When connected on the ship’s cellular network with the applicable Cruise package, your usage will always count against the applicable Cruise package. If you don’t have the applicable Cruise package for the cruise ship you’re on, you will be charged at Pay-Per-Use rates.
See our cruise ship guide to view all ships for Cruise Basic, Cruise Plus, and Cruise Day Pass packages.
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