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International business mobile plans
International Day Pass |
AT&T Business Passport |
AT&T Business International Calling |
Cruise Package |
Description | Use your domestic talk, text, and data plan in over 210 destinations for a low daily fee per line. | Stay connected in over 210 destinations for a flat monthly fee. |
Unlimited calling from the U.S. to 85 countries. Discounted calling to 140 countries. | Stay connected with work while on a cruise ship at sea. |
Pricing (per line) | $12/day |
$110/mo. | $15/mo. | $100 for 30 days |
Data allotment | Based on your domestic plan | 22GB | N/A | 1GB |
Data overages | Based on your domestic plan | No, slowed to max. 256 Kbps |
N/A | $10/100MB |
Texting |
Based on your domestic plan | Unlimited |
N/A | Unlimited |
Calling | Based on your domestic plan | Unlimited |
Unlimited to 85 countries. Discounted calls to 140 countries. |
Unlimited |
Recommended for | Short-term travel | Long-term travel | International calls | Cruise-goers |
ELIGIBILITY: Available to business and government customers with a qualified AT&T wireless service agreement (Business Agreement) and only for qualified Corporate Responsibility User (CRU) lines of service. Compatible device with eligible domestic postpaid wireless plan required.
ADDING TO YOUR LINE: You can add IDP for Business before your CRU travels or, for business customers with select devices only, AT&T will automatically add International Day Pass (“IDP”) for Business to the CRU line if (i) you have not added IDP for Business and do not have another international feature on the CRU line; (ii) the CRU uses an eligible smartphone, tablet, mobile hotspot device or laptop while traveling in an IDP Destination (see below) not included in your domestic rate plan, and (iii) the CRU incurs at least 5MB in international data roaming usage at pay-per-use rates (see att.com/intlppurates). If we automatically add IDP for Business to a CRU smartphone line, we will send you an email and also send an SMS to the CRU line. If we automatically add IDP for Business to a CRU tablet, mobile hotspot device or laptop line, we will send you an email. Once added, IDP for Business will stay on the CRU line until you remove it using online self-service (att.com/myatt or att.com/premier, as applicable), by calling 800-331-0500, or by contacting your AT&T account representative.
DAILY FEE: The first time you use data, make or receive a call, or send a text message in an IDP Destination, you’ll automatically be charged a $12 daily fee. Text messages received are rated as domestic and do not trigger a daily fee. The daily fee covers additional data, calls, and text messages for 24 hours from the initial use in any IDP Destination. You’ll be charged an additional daily fee for all subsequent 24-hour periods in which you use data, make or receive a call, or send a text message in an IDP Destination, unless you remove IDP for Business. Business and government customers with IDP for Business are not eligible for the reduced daily fee or the charge cap available to consumers with IDP.
DESTINATIONS: Includes usage in over 210 destinations listed at att.com/globalcountries and on select enabled international flights (Enabled Flights) (each an IDP Destination or collectively, IDP Destinations). Coverage is not available in all areas. IDP Destinations and rates are subject to change without notice. Mexico and Canada: You will not be charged a daily fee in Mexico or Canada if you have a domestic plan that includes usage in Mexico or Canada. Latin America: AT&T Business Unlimited Elite customers and other qualified customers with Roam Latin AmericaSM for Business will not be charged a daily fee in any of the Latin American countries that are included in their phone plan. See att.com/latamcountries for a list of included countries. Cellular networks on select airlines: For a list of participating airlines and Enabled Flights, go to att.com/globalcountries. Participating airlines and Enabled Flights are subject to change without notice. Passengers of participating airlines are not guaranteed to be on an Enabled Flight. Device must be on, with Airplane Mode and Wi-Fi turned off and data roaming and cellular data turned on to use the cellular network on an Enabled Flight. Cellular service on an Enabled Flight is available only at greater than 200 nautical miles outside of the U.S. border and above 20,000 feet cruising altitude. In the event of satellite interruption or regulatory constraint, airline cellular services may be disrupted or disabled.
DATA: Data will be drawn from your domestic plan allowance with the same data and speed restrictions. If your domestic plan includes Video Management feature, it will apply to your IDP for Business feature. See att.com/Videofeature for Video Management details. Data overage: If you go over the amount of data in your qualified domestic plan, overage charges or data speed reduction of up to 128Kbps will apply in accordance with the terms of your domestic plan. If your data speed is slowed, all your data use, including audio and video streaming, picture and video messaging, and other types of data use will be impacted and may not work. Incidental data usage: Apps on your device use data even when you may not be aware. Such usage may trigger a daily fee. To avoid unintended use of IDP for Business, turn off cellular data roaming in your device settings.
UNLIMITED TALK: For phones only. Includes calls received in IDP Destinations and made from IDP Destinations to the U.S. and to other IDP Destinations. If your domestic plan does not include unlimited talk, the minutes of use will be drawn from your domestic plan’s voice allowance and domestic overage charges may apply. Calls to non-IDP Destinations: Calls from IDP Destinations to non-IDP Destinations will get International Long Distance (ILD) charges. Pay-per-use rates apply unless your domestic plan includes these destinations or you add an ILD package to your device. Rates are subject to change without notice. For details, go to att.com/internationalcalling.
UNLIMITED TEXT: For phones only. Applies only to AT&T Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and not to other messaging services or applications like iMessage. Messages received are rated as domestic and do not trigger a daily fee. If your domestic plan does not include unlimited text, the messages you send will be drawn from your domestic plan’s messaging allowance and domestic overage charges may apply.
AT&T PASSPORT®/AT&T PASSPORT® PRO: For devices with IDP for Business and an active AT&T Passport or AT&T Passport Pro package, IDP for Business charges will apply in IDP Destinations and usage in IDP Destinations will not reduce the Passport or Passport Pro data allowance, trigger Passport calling charges, or offset the Passport Pro voice allowance. If you want to use Passport or Passport Pro in an IDP Destination, you must remove IDP for Business.
PAY-PER-USE RATES: Apply when traveling in destinations not included in IDP for Business and/or when you have not added a package. For rates, see att.com/intlppurates.
SERVICE RESTRICTIONS: International use aboard cruise ships is not included. Not available for wireless home phone services, connected vehicles, or connected devices. Pay-per-use international rates will apply.
GENERAL: Subject to your applicable Business Agreement. Availability, quality of coverage, and services while roaming are not guaranteed. Additional restrictions may apply.
AT&T Business PassportSM:
ELIGIBILITY: Available to business and government customers with a qualified AT&T wireless service agreement (Business Agreement) and only for qualified Corporate Responsibility User (CRU) lines of service. Compatible phone, tablet or other eligible device with domestic postpaid wireless service required.
CHARGES: Monthly recurring charge applies on a per-device basis. Monthly recurring charge will not be prorated if canceled on or after the effective date. Package canceled prior to the effective date will not incur the charge. Package requires a 2-month minimum term commitment.
DESTINATIONS: Includes usage in over 210 destinations listed at att.com/globalcountries and on select enabled international flights (Enabled Flights) (each a Passport Destination or collectively, Passport Destinations). Coverage not available in all areas. Passport Destinations and rates are subject to change without notice. Mexico and Canada: If you have a domestic plan that includes Mexico or Canada, usage in these countries will not diminish the AT&T Business Passport data allowance. Latin America: If you are an AT&T Business Unlimited Premium customer or other qualified customer with Roam Latin America for Business, usage in the included Latin American countries will not diminish the AT&T Business Passport data allowance. See att.com/latamcountries for a list of included countries. Cellular networks on select airlines: For a list of participating airlines and Enabled Flights, go to att.com/globalcountries. Participating airlines and Enabled Flights are subject to change without notice. Passengers of participating airlines are not guaranteed to be on an Enabled Flight. Device must be on, with Airplane Mode and Wi-Fi turned off and data roaming and cellular data turned on to use the cellular network on an Enabled Flight. Cellular service on an Enabled Flight is available only at greater than 200 nautical miles outside of the U.S. border and above 20,000 feet cruising altitude. In the event of satellite interruption or regulatory constraint, airline cellular services may be disrupted or disabled.
DATA: Actual data speeds vary by device and location. If your domestic plan includes the Video Management feature, the same will apply to your AT&T Business Passport package. Data allowance must be used in bill period provided or will be forfeited. Overage and data speeds: There are no data overage charges. However, if you use all your AT&T Business Passport package data, all data usage is slowed to a max of 256Kbps for the rest of the bill cycle. All data usage will be impacted and may not be fully functional.
UNLIMITED TALK: For phones only. Applies to all cellular calls dialed and accepted in Passport Destinations.
UNLIMITED TEXT: For phones only. Applies only to AT&T Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and not to other messaging services or applications that use data, such as iMessage. Unless you have a domestic plan that includes unlimited text, messages received in Passport Destinations are charged at your domestic messaging rates.
CRUISE PACKAGES: For devices with an active AT&T Business Passport package and an active AT&T Cruise package, cruise ship cellular usage is rated by the AT&T Cruise package. AT&T Business Passport charges will apply to land usage in AT&T Cruise included destinations.
PAY-PER-USE RATES: Apply when AT&T Business Passport package is removed (unless you add a different international roaming package) and when traveling in destinations not included in AT&T Business Passport.
SERVICE RESTRICTIONS: International use aboard cruise ships is not included. Package is not available for use with wireless home phone services, connected vehicles, or wearables or other connected devices; pay-per-use international rates, found at att.com/intlppurates, will apply. May not be combined with International Day Pass (IDP) for Business, similar IDP offers or select other international roaming packages.
GENERAL: Subject to the applicable Business Agreement. Availability, quality of coverage, and services while roaming are not guaranteed. International roaming data usage may be at 2 GIG speeds. Additional restrictions may apply.
Eligibility: Available only to business and government customers with a qualified AT&T wireless service agreement (Business Agreement) and only for Corporate Responsibility User (CRU) lines of service. Domestic postpaid wireless voice plan required. Certain eligibility restrictions apply, which may be based on service tenure, payment history or credit.
International Long Distance (ILD) Calling: For phones only. Includes from the U.S., and, for customers with select domestic plans only, from Mexico and/or Canada: (a) unlimited calling to Mexico and Canada, (b) unlimited calling to over 85 countries, and (c) discounted calling to over 140 countries. If your domestic postpaid wireless plan does not include unlimited talk, ILD calls count against the monthly allowance of voice minutes under your domestic plan. If you exceed your plan’s monthly allowance, overage charges will apply.
Countries: Same as for AT&T International Calling. For details on package countries and rates, go to att.com/internationalcalling (select “See eligible countries and rates” link). Calling to some countries may not be available. Calls to special services, such as Premium Rated Services, may cost more. Countries and rates are subject to change without notice.
Pay-per-use rates: Apply when package is removed, when calling numbers in countries not included in your package, and/or when you have not added a package. For current ILD pay-per-use rates, see att.com/internationalcalling (select “See eligible countries and rates” link).
Restrictions: Service provided for live dialog between people only, and for individual, non-commercial use. Not for resale. You may not use your service for purposes other than as intended by AT&T. Prohibited uses of the service include, without limitation, monitoring services, transmissions of broadcasts or recorded materials, telemarketing, fraud, autodialed calls, call forwarding, or other similar connections except if otherwise permitted under your applicable service agreement. If AT&T determines your service use violates the applicable terms or policies, AT&T may at its sole discretion modify your service, charge you pay-per-use rates, or terminate your service.
General: Subject to the Business Agreement. Taxes, fees, and other charges apply. Pricing and terms subject to change without notice. Additional restrictions may apply.
Eligibility: Compatible device with eligible domestic postpaid wireless service required.
Charges: One-time charge of $60 per line for Cruise Basic package or $100 per line for Cruise Plus package. Package is valid for 30 days beginning on the chosen effective date, may cross 2 bill cycles, and expires automatically. Package charge will not be prorated if canceled on or after the effective date. If package is canceled prior to the effective date, the line will not be charged.
Coverage: Package applies to cellular use onboard select cruise ships listed at att.com/cruise when sailing in international waters. When the device is connected to the ship's cellular network, "cellularatsea", "wmsatsea", "901-18" or "NOR-18" displays on the device. The ship turns off its cellular network when it is within 12 nautical miles from land and docked or tendered in port, at which point cellular service is provided via the nearest country.
Countries: Add AT&T International Day Pass to your eligible domestic wireless plan to cover your usage when on land or in port. Go to att.com/intldaypass for details.Business and government customers: Add an available international roaming package to your domestic wireless plan to cover usage when on land or in port. Go to att.com/internationalforbiz to review options.
Data: Includes 100MB of data for Cruise Basic package (smartphones only) or 1GB of data for Cruise Plus package (smartphones and tablets only). Actual data speeds vary by device and ship. Data use is subject to the same network management practices as your domestic wireless plan. See att.com/broadbandinfo for details.
Data overage: If you exceed the amount of data in your Cruise package, additional data will automatically be provided in increments of 100MB for $10 each. Once you have incurred $100 in data overage charges or, for business and government customers, $300 in data overage charges, data use is subject to suspension, including data use on land, even if you have a separate international package for data usage on land. Upon suspension, AT&T will provide notice and instructions for restoring data use capability.
Talk: For phones only. Applies to all cellular calls dialed and accepted. Cruise Basic package includes 100 minutes of calling. If you use all your Cruise Basic package calling minutes, additional cellular calls will be charged $1/minute. Cruise Plus package includes unlimited talk.
Wi-Fi Calling: With Wi-Fi Calling enabled on eligible devices, you can call back to the U.S. at no additional charge.
Unlimited Text: For phones only. Applies only to AT&T Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and not to other messaging services or applications that use data, such as iMessage. Messages received will be billed at your domestic messaging rates, unless you have a domestic plan that includes unlimited text.
Pay-per-use rates: Apply when package expires, when traveling on ships not included in your package or countries not included in any international travel package added to your line, and/or when you have not added any package to the line. Go to att.com/ppurates to review rates.
General: Subject to Consumer Service Agreement at att.com/csa or, for business and government customers, the applicable wireless service agreement. Availability, quality of coverage, and services while roaming are not guaranteed. Additional restrictions may apply.
Global coverage map

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