Cutting-edge tech enables the company to dial bandwidth to individual sites
As United Road Towing grew, it needed more bandwidth. And not just any bandwidth—it needed to be adjustable, site by site. Plus, they needed redundancy to ensure its employees were virtually always available to take calls.
The switch to SD-WAN allows United Road Towing to customize bandwidth at locations more easily and at a price point that works for each site. It also helps provide the redundancy to support responsive customer service.
AT&T SD-WAN replaced their legacy infrastructure. The hybrid architecture of the solution lets the company select network technologies on a site-by-site basis. It also enhances network performance, efficiency, and security.
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About United Road Towing
Through an extensive portfolio of local and regional brands, the company dispatches approximately 500,000 tows, manages over 300,000 impounds, and sells over 60,000 vehicles annually across the United States. It maintains 23 locations across 7 states.
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